Dates: Saturday and Sunday, Apr 30th & May 1st, 2022
Times: Saturday—T-Times beginning at 9:00am
Sunday – T-Times beginning at 9:00am
Cost: $40 per player + carts
Cost Includes: Credit Book Prizes, crystal trophies to the winners, and names
engraved on the permanent trophy in the golf shop + lunch on Sunday
Format: Combined Progressive Quota—Flighted by Total Quota
Each player’s current handicap will be subtracted from 54 to figure their
quota. The 2 quotas will be added together for the team quota. After
round 1 each team’s quota will be adjusted 50% for the second
round. The team that is the most over their quota for the 2 days will win
the tournament. The Member-Member Overall Champions will
have their name engraved on the permanent trophy for years to come!
(Ex. Two 20 handicappers on same team would need 68 points the 1st day
(54-20 = 34 points for each player). If they get 70 points the 1st day they
would be +2 and would need to get 69 points the second day (68 + 50% of
+2). If they get 68 points the 2nd day they would be –1 for Day 2 and +1
for the tournament)
Eligibility: Open to any Member of Point Venture Golf Club
Deadline: Friday, April 29th at 2:00pm
*This is a QUADRUPLE point major tourney for the year-end shootout and 2023 Travis Cup Team!